教授 山岸 則夫



学位 博士(獣医学)
最終学歴 岐阜大学大学院連合獣医学研究科博士課程中退
専門分野 牛臨床学(産業動物診断治療学)
学部担当授業科目 大動物診断治療学 A、獣医臨床栄養学、産業動物生産獣医療、生命環境科学 概論、大動物臨床 A、大動物診療実習、大動物野外診療実習、牧場実習、獣 医科学英語演習、臨床基礎実習、食料生産実習、獣医学演習、獣医卒業研究、 他
大学院担当授業科目 先端獣医学研究法特別演習、獣医臨床科学特別演習 A-C、獣医臨床科学特別
研究 A-H、先端機器特別演習、先端獣医学インターンシップ、他
オフィスアワー 月曜 12:00〜13:00
メールアドレス nyamagishi.svs@omu.ac.jp
ウェブサイト Laboratory web site:


Personal web site 1 (ResearchGate):


Personal web site 2 (Facebook):


ORCiD web site:




キーワード 牛、バイオマーカー、カルシウム代謝、骨代謝、血液生化学、診断・治療



1. Hatate, K., Kawashima, C., Hanada, M., Kayano, M, Yamagishi, N.: Short Communication: Serum osteoprotegerin concentrations in periparturient dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 101: 6622-6626, 2018.
2. Maetani, A., Ohtani, M., Hatate, K., Matsumoto, K., Yamagishi, N.: Effect of dietary difructose anhydride (DFA) III supplementation on bone mineral density and calcium metabolism in late-lactation dairy cows. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 80: 1061–1067, 2018
3. Hatate、K., Kayano, M., Kawashima, C., Hanada, M., Bicalho, R. C. and Yamagishi, N.: The effect of colostrum intake on osteoprotegerin and bone metabolic markers in the blood of newborn calves during the first week of life. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 81: 15-21, 2019
4. Takehana, K., Onomi, R., Hatate, K. and Yamagishi, N.: Determination of serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme activity in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) using an agarose gel electrophoresis method. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science  81: 551-554, 2019
5. Hatate, K., Tsuzuki, N., Kajihara, A., Devkota, B., Takehana, K., Sato, R., Iino, K., Aoki, T., Takahashi, E. and Yamagishi, N.: Influences of transfixation pinning and casting (TPC) configurations on treatment outcomes in bovine tibial fracture. ournal of Veterinary Medical Science 81: 857–862, 2019
6 . Onomi, R., Hatate, K. and Yamagishi, N.: Determination of plasma bone-specific alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme activity in Holstein calves using a commercial agarose gel electrophoresis kit. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 22: 789–792, 2019
7. Goto, A., Tsuzuki, N., Kajihara, A., Moriyama, T., Sasaki, Y., Zushi, N., Hatate, K., Iino, K. and Yamagishi, N.: Arthrectomy for traumatic proximal interphalangeal arthritis in the lateral digit in a heifer. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 70: 1655-1660, 2019.
8. Kizaki, K., Kato-Kageyama, T., Toji, N., Koshi, K., Sasaki, K., Yamagishi, N., Ishiguro-Oonuma, T., Takahashi, T., Hashizume, K.: Gene expression profiles in bovine granulocytes reflect the aberration of liver functions. Animal Science Journal 91: e13324, 2020.
9. Sasaki, J., Kuroda, T., Ueki, A., Devkota, B., Yamagishi, N.: Intestinal ganglioneuroma in a neonatal Japanese Black calf – Short communication. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 68: 49-52, 2020
10. Hatate, K., Kawashima, C., Kayano, M., Hanada, M., Yamagishi, N.: Blood markers of osteoclastic differentiation in parturient dairy cows at different parities, with and without milk fever. Research in Veterinary Science 131: 301-305, 2020
11. Chiba, A., Hatate, K., Onomi, R., Moriyama, T., Goto, A., Yamagishi, N.: Agarose gel electrophoretic pattern of serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in Holstein cows during lactation. Polish Journal of Veterinary Science 23: 317-319, 2020
12. Takehana, K., Kitani, R., Hatate, K., Onomi, R., Yamagishi, N.: Anthropometric and blood data of a hand-reared captive Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) calf: a retrospective case report. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 82: 943–947, 2020




・日本産業動物獣医学会・北海道地区学会長賞   (1992年)・日本獣医学会JVMS優秀論文賞(2019年)

