

2021.2.3-4; Ms. Dao (RONPAKU student) and Mr. Okuno (PhD student) have done final defense.

Ms. Dao (RONPAKU student from Vietnam) and Mr. Okuno (PhD student) have done their final defense.

Title of presentation
Ms. Dao ”Studies on prevalence, serotype, antimicrobial resistance and clonal relationship of Salmonella in foods, waters and humans in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam”

Mr. Okuno ”アルゼンチンとタイにおける志賀毒素産生性大腸菌(STEC)の分子疫学的研究及び乳酸菌のSTECに対する増殖抑制と殺菌効果の検討” (in Japanese)

Ms. Dao could not come to OPU due to strict regulation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, she presented online via Zoom.

Mr. Okuno presented in the classroom using Zoom together.

Good job, both of you!!