

H31年4月30日;日根野谷先生、市村君(H27年度学部卒)の論文がDiagn Microbiol Infect Disにアクセプトされました

Journal:  Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease (Elsevier)

Title:  Development of a specific cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) gene (Eacdt)-based PCR assay for the detection of Escherichia albertii.

Authors:  Atsushi Hinenoya, Hidetoshi Ichimura, Noritomo Yasuda, Seiya Harada, Kazuhiro Yamada, Masahiro Suzuki, Yoshio Iijima, Akira Nagita, Manuel John Albert, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi and Shinji Yamasaki*

Abstract:  Many Escherichia albertii isolates, an emerging pathogen of human and birds, might have been misidentified due to the difficulty of differentiating this bacterium from Escherichia coli and Shigella spp. by routine biochemical tests, resulting in underestimation of E. albertii infections. We have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that targets E. albertii cytolethal distending toxin (Eacdt) genes, which include the genes previously identified as Escherichia coli cdt-II. This assay could generate a single 449-bp PCR product in each of 67 confirmed E. albertii strains but failed to produce PCR product from any of the tested non-E. albertii enteric strains belonging to 37 different species, indicating 100% sensitivity and specificity of the PCR assay. The detection limit was 10 CFU per PCR tube and could detect 105 CFU E. albertii per gram of spiked healthy human stool. The Eacdt gene-based PCR could be useful for simple, rapid, and accurate detection and identification of E. albertii.

新興人獣共通感染症細菌 (新興腸管感染症細菌Escherichia albertii) を簡便かつ迅速に検出・同定できるPCR法を構築しました。