

2020年4月7日;畑中特認助教の論文がJ Microbiol Methodsにアクセプトされました。

Journal: Journal of Microbiological Methods (Elsevier)

Title: Accurate identification of Escherichia albertii by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.

Authors: Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Atsushi Hinenoya, Osamu Ueda and Shinji Yamasaki*

Abstract: A specific identification protocol for Escherichia albertii by using a MALDI-TOF/MS method was developed. For this purpose, a novel database was established which can differentiate E. albertii from E. coli by combining the mass spectra obtained from 58 E. albertii and 36 E. coli strains.


細菌の新たな同定法として注目されるMALDI-TOF-MSにより、E. albertiiの同定も可能であることを報告しました。