

The 6th Asian Meeting of Animal Medicine Specialties(上海, 中国)(2019年10月23日〜25日)にて飯盛さん、井上さん、吉崎さん、吉田さん、芦田さん、山崎先生が発表しました。

Yamazaki H, Yamada A, Ito T, Tanaka M, Kuwamura M, Sasai H, Akiyoshi H. Assessment of the correlation between immunohistopathological analysis and therapeutic efficacy on small intestinal lymphoma in dogs.

Ashida K, Mie K, Shimamura S, Tnaka M, Kuwamura M, Nishida H, Yamate J, Hasegawa T, Akiyoshi H. A case report of feline peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia with ectopic liver tissue in the hernia sac.

Yoshizaki K, Kuwahara Y, Nishida H, Kamishina H, Maeda S, Mie K, Akiyoshi H. Anti-inflammatory effect of extracellular vesicles derived from canine mesenchymal stem/stromal cells in serum free culture medium.

Inoue Y, Nakata M, Iimori Y, Iwai R, Mie K, Nishida H, Nakayama Y, Akiyoshi H. Subcutaneous Implamtation test of iBTA-induced bovine membranous tissues for evaluation as repair material.

Iimori Y, Nagatani K, Terazawa T, Inoue Y, Nakata M, Okamoto M, Funayama M, Mie K, Nishida H, Nakayama Y, Akiyoshi H. Long term outcomes of iBTA-induced allgenic “Biosheets” as a diaphragmatic hernia repair material in a beagle model.

Yoshida Y, Kurokawa S, Yamada Y, Tanaka T, Uemoto K, Mie K, Nishida H, Akiyoshi H. A retrospective study of 248 dogs with splenectomy.